Code Effect
riseandshine Automatic Daylight
lightsout Automatic Night
itvexesme Cannot Win
iocainepowder Die Really Fast
synergy Disable the Tech Tree
WhoIsJohnGalt Enable research
keysersoze X Get X amount of gold
leafittome X Get X amount of wood
motherland [RACE] [LEVEL] Level Select (Example: motherland human 06. This will transport you to level 6 of the human campaign. )
= Re-enters the last code you typed.
DaylightSavings [hour] Reset the time to the hour specificed (without a number, this toggle the day/night cycle on/off)
warpten Super Fast Build
PointBreak Takes away the food limit
StrengthandHonor This code Disables the defeat trigger, so you can't lose.
TheDudeAbides This takes all of the cooldown time (time delay before the spell can be casted again) from the spell previously casted.
greedisgood This will give you 500 gold and 500 lumber (add a number after the code to specify a resource amount)
allyourbasearebelongtous This will give you and instant victory
thereisnospoon This will give your units unlimited mana
somebodysetupusthebomb This will make you lose instantly
whosyourdaddy This will make your units invincible and give them one hit kills
Iseedeadpeople This will reveal the entire map
sharpandshiny Upgrade Everything 1 Level