Pick razor to counter troll, since you know how to use it. It's the best semi carry for the current metagame. And your build is VERY wrong for a razor, even in 1v1.
I assume you start with 803 gold, and not 4200. So starting:
1 Salve
3 GG branches
Harrass him as you have the superior range advantage. Skill build is just Plasma and Static Link alternatively, get Eye of Storm when you can. DON'T go Maelstrom, they suck on razor, who is a anti-carry.
Magic Stick (if you're doing well)
Chicken -> Crow
Make use of Plasma Field. Move back to your max range, hit troll, and cast it (you can start spamming from level 3.
When troll moves back, move forward a little such that the Plasma Field 2nd damage also hits him. Rinse and Repeat, you will have lane dominance.
If Troll moves forward instead, then you move back a little and cast static link. Continue hitting him, I guarantee you will win if he don't move back. And you'll be at a health advantage too.
At later a point of the game, cast Eye of Storm when he comes to you, too. Don't save it, it has a rather short cooldown.
When to go to take runes? When you creeps are across the river, and have just killed the opponent's creep wave. Use crow to Scout for the runes
When to activate blademail?
When Troll moves into melee/perma stun mode, immediately turn it on and Shift-queue Static Link. He won't stand a chance.
Boots -> Phase Boots
(If you have 2200 gold by the 10th min mark, save for Relic -> Radiance instead)
(Grats, you just finished your core items)
From now, it should be obvious who is winning. Don't let your guard down though, you have to continue to last hit and deny. Don't ever leave your lane when your creeps are engaged with the enemy creeps, because that's free money for you.
Satanic (makes you quite godly)
Butterfly (evasion, attack speed, damage)
Manta Style (Yes, it doesn't cover you, but you will like the extra damage)
EDIT, with regards to the poster above me:
Can't you ******* buy sentries or gem? Are you retarded? Lothar is useless in high level games, I never seen it used, because it's so easily countered. If my opponent troll somehow manages to farm a lothar, I can guarantee you I will win. Do you want a 1v1 simulation now?
Can you even farm with razor controlling the lane? I assure you, you won't even reach lothar if you play against me, or any other average players.
Don't whack at all for a few seconds? It doesn't matter actually. Your damage will diminish at the rate of 20 damage/second, and I will gain 20 damage/second. You will still die, whether you hit me when I turn on blademail or not. Even with a 44% miss rate, I still will ultimately gain 11 damage/second, while you lose 20 damage per second. Lothar away and fight later? I have sentries or dust. Lothar has extra speed? Plasma field hits you on the edge, and you die anyway.
Tell me that AFTER you managed to farm satanic
Clones, unlike for other illusion heroes like PL, is NOT for covering. It's for extra damage, since it's rather obvious which is the real razor. Can you take me hitting you at 250 damage per hit, + 50 damage *2 from both illusions? It doesn't matter whether you use blind or not.
Oh, and in case you never realised, Troll's real advantage is not blind, but it's perma bash. If you choose to get blind instead, I assure you, you will lose to me before you reach level 7. Troll has no lane control, no nukes, and no stun unless he goes to melee range of Razor -- in which case, read above.