I bought it the day it came out, (June 2nd) and it was fine. However i've been playing it more often, and after maybe 30 minutes of game play, the game (not my computer) shuts down completely, leaving me staring at my computer's desktop as if i was never even playing. That's the first problem... So today i go to play the game and my Sims are all moving in slow motion. I have no idea how this happened considering it was perfect yesterday (and last night) and i saved and quit just fine, and now its in slow motion! My computer is running like it usually would, and the Sims 3 start up is running like it would, but my game is in slow motion, like i said. So if anyone can help me resolve these problems, i'd really appreciate it!
By the way, i already used the cheat code that's something like slowMotionViz <0> and nothing happened.