Don't listen to Omar, the "delete system 32" Is just a really old joke for trolls, if you delete that folder, your PC would literally die.
Anyways, I can't really tell if your laptop can run any of those games since you didn't put the CPU model or your graphics model, those are the most important components in PC gaming, I can't really help you there.
These are the minimum requirements of those games:
Garry's mod:
1.7 GHz Processor
512 MB of Ram
Windows Vista/XP/2000/7
DirectX 8.1 level Graphics Card (Requires support for SSE)
150 MB of free HDD space
You could definitely run Gmod since that game is almost as easy to run as Minecraft
Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz or AMD Dual-Core Athlon 2.5 GHz
2 GB
Windows Vista SP2 or Windows 7 SP1
NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT or AMD Radeon HD 3830 or Intel HD Graphics 4000 with 512 MB VRAM
10 GB of free HDD space
Even if the minimum requirements are too low, DayZ is kind of hard to run, you may have to lower the settings or even the resolution in order to play
Update: Because of my stupid brain, I didn't thought about looking for your laptop in Google, sorry about that!
Anyways, it seems that you have a Intel HD 4000 graphics card which isn't that good for games, you should still be able to run Garry's mod but DayZ won't be playable, sorry.
Your CPU is alright though, don't need to worry about that.
As I said, if you want anything else you can update your answer